Soap For Hope (S4H)' is an international initiative were various star category hotels donate their used soap are converted by DFY's hygienically established Soap recycling workshop to a usable new soaps. These soaps are further used for multiple humanitarian activities ranging from supporting disaster affected population to children in schools urban slums and far away villages.

Every year about 1.8 million children under the age of 5 die from diarrhoea related diseases and pneumonia. A simple practice of hand washing with soap could protect about 1 out of every three young children who get sick with diarrhea and 1 out of 5 children who fall sick due to respiratory infections like pneumonia. To effectively fight with germs, it is very important to wash hands with soap and not just running water. A good hand washing education and access to soap can improve school attendance of children and also improve their developmental growth. The hand washing practice is equally important for adults who fall sick due to communicable diseases and other germs. Access to soap is always not very basic for everyone in the society.
Doctors For You is the NGO partner of Diversey’s Soap For Hope initiative in India, Bhutan, Nepal and Bangladesh. Working with Hotel Partners, DFY is recycling the used soaps from the multiple hotels and taking Soaps to most vulnerable population in far away corners of the country and beyond. The program is a multi-sector benefiting program as the program provides livelihood opportunity, sanitation & hygiene awareness creation and health promotion in its beneficiary community. The project provides livelihood to the employees of this project, supports community by distributing recycled soap and support hotel chains by collecting their waste soaps. Thus the overall impact of the program can also be measured through three categories that are livelihood support, community support and waste management.
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