Doctors For You (DFY) is a registered society, registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 Section 21 having registration no. F-56886(Mum). DFY is a pan India humanitarian organization with international presence and is working in various disaster hit zones since last 14 years. DFY focuses on providing medical care to the vulnerable communities during crisis and non-crisis situation, emergency medical aid to people affected by natural disaster, conflicts and epidemics. We are also committed to reducing disaster risk to human society by delivering trainings and capacity development in emergency preparedness and response. The work of DFY is guided by humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, and neutrality. It offers services and assistance to people based on need, irrespective of race, class, caste, religion and gender.
Doctors for You was founded in India in 2007, by doctors, medical students and like-minded people with a vision of “Health for all.” Currently, DFY is working on various projects in different states of India involving health professional, Disaster Management Practitioners, Social Workers and Administrative Staff.
The organization received several awards viz. The SAARC Award (2010), The British Medical Journal Group Award (2009), Golden Ruby Award (2015) and recognition from state governments for its outstanding contribution to the humanitarian field.