GARIMA skilling program is funded and supported by ‘Diversey’. The program targets to train 20,000 candidates yearly from its centers spread across India. GARIMA as the word in Hindi means ‘dignity’, the program was built around it. The program is driven with a sense of creating respect towards housekeeping as a profession by training housekeepers on scientific methods in cleaning and placing them in organised sector jobs.

Over the years, the general trend in the sector is that housekeeping job is unskilled labour requiring no prior training often leading a new candidate not treated as equal. This is widely because the new members have low education and skills. Through GARIMA we targets to close this gap by making a person more appropriate for the employment in high-end service sector. The program offers free training and also provide placement support to the candidates. List of courses under the program include,
To know more about the GARIMA program engagement /and candidate placement pleases contact : projectgarima@doctorsforyou.org