Through this recently launched health centre DFY is catering to the general health care needs of more than 100,000 people in the Kalwa slums. Main focus is on provision of Primary health care with special services for Immunisation, De-worming and Vitamin A supplementation.
* Kalwa centre started in September 2015 # Santacruz centre started in December 2015 Health promotion and disease control

Tuberculosis Control Program

Tuberculosis awareness rally by DFY team

Nutritional supplements for Drug Resistant tuberculosis cases
Community based management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM): Malnutrition is a major public health problem in the area with 36% prevalence among children below 5 years of age. For such children, DFY launched CMAM program in October 2015. During this time period, 135 children were registered. These children were given nutritional supplements in form of RUTF and Hyderabad Mix.