COVID-19 has emerged as global pandemic affecting almost the entire globe. This has tested public health preparedness to the optimum level even in developed countries who are still struggling to deal with the situation. In India as on 08-04-2020 there were 5171 active cases of COVID-19. The COVID-19 has created fear and made us realize how bad this can turn out to be for the poorest, for those who will lose their livelihood, or those who wouldn't know what to do to save themselves when the virus has reached someone close to them. It has also put additional strain on the already challenged healthcare system.
Response by Doctors For You (DFY):
Setting up of Emergency COVID-19 Management Hospital. With an increasing case load and better preparedness to deliver healthcare services required for COVID-19 management in Bihar State, Doctors For You (DFY) is setting up a 20-bedded facility (along with isolation facility) for the management of suspected and serious COVID-19 cases. Moreover DFY also aim to support the critical health facilities and health workers from Government and Private hospitals working for COVID-19 prevention and management.
Rumor and false information on COVID-19 is a major concern in the rural and slum areas. Thus to prevent rumor and support local administration, DFY team is running audio van, Door to Door campaign along with Hygiene kit distribution (Mask and Soaps). The programs were organized in Bihar, Maharashtra, Kerala and Haryana, covering farming community, tribal belt, slums and other rural community.
DFY’s Health Centre and Mobile Medical Units (MMU’s). From 5 health centers, operated in Mumbai DFY is spreading awareness on infection prevention and helping in screening patients through Mobile Medical Units (MMU’s) . Free hygiene kits distribution and awareness talks were also organized in the center for the out going patients.
Supporting Administration
In Haryana, Kerala and Rajasthan, DFY is supporting government administration with volunteers and resource support. In Wayanad, DFY is part of the district task force, through volunteering efforts to screen for potential symptoms for people travelling to the district.
Educational Institution In 45 different location DFY is running skill centers and working with 50 schools and 40 Anganwadi Centres. Through the education institution DFY is spreading awareness and free hygiene kits distribution. The key objective is to promote hand washing and break the chain of infection.
Awareness program in Commercial centers DFY with its partners have organized series of program in Chennai, Mumbai and Delhi /NCR. In the program series of key aspects on chemical use, hygiene practices, flu prevention and crowd management in the vicinity. The program was organized in banks, airport, corporate office and mall and was targeted for administration and service staff who are directly in contact with people.
Domestic/International Transfer
Account Name - Doctors For You
Bank Name - IndusInd Bank Ltd
Account Number - 100048805918
IFSC Code - INDB0000406
Branch Name - Sector No. 17, Vashi Navi Mumbai
Please also send in an email at info@doctorsforyou.org Updating us about your donation along with the transfer details / cheque details and your contact number, PAN Number and Postal address so that we can send you the receipts.
Doctors For You PAN Number is AAAJD0785H
Please note that all the donations are tax deductible under Section 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act and you shall receive a receipt from Doctors for You for all the donations for filing purposes.