Beacon of Covid Care
CommonWealth Games Covid Care Center
Written by Pushplata Bhardwaj
Dr. Yashika and Dr. Nisha were completing the paperwork of admitting a new patient Mr. XYZ, 55 years old patient, Vaccinated and mild symptoms of Covid at CommonWealth Games Covid Care center. The unwelcomed third wave of Covid 19 led by the Omicron variant is on. The Covid cases started outbursting from several parts of the country by the end of the year. In a week from 29 december 2021 to 4th January, Indian states have variably seen a rise in Covid cases from 8% to 100%. The SUTRA model predicts that the tally of Covid cases might rise to an average of 4 lakh to 8 lakh cases per day at peak of the wave.
The dormant Covid Care Center which was reduced to 50 beds after the second wave of Covid is ventilated to take a deep gasp and activated to function with full operational capacity of 500 beds from the mid of December. Presently, Delhi daily Covid cases have crossed 20,000 mark, 20%+ positivity rate and on red alert.
Mr. Rajesh Nursing Officer explained that Delhiās Commonwealth Games Covid Care Center (CWG CCC) has been a beacon of Covid Care for mild and moderate symptomatic Covid patients from the beginning of the first wave of Covid 19. Till now, the facility had been instrumental in the recovery of 8000+ Covid patients. Facility is divided into Red and Green Zone. There are 2 separate entry doorways, one for the Covid patients (Entry into Red Zone) and other for the staff or non Covid patients (Green Zone). A bed status panel screen is set outside to give live updates on availability of beds in the facility.
Checking the patient data Dr. Yashika said that 3 Patients were admitted on 29th December, 2021 at CWG CCC. Following days, patients are admitted in lots. There is no set pattern to the number of patients coming to our facility. Number varies in day to day admissions. In 11 days, 155 Covid cases were admitted. Of which 53.5% are female patients and 46.5% are male patients. Majority of them are unvaccinated.
Cases are reported across age groups, in fact extreme ends of age groups are admitted. Proportion varies from a 3 months old baby, who is admitted with her mother and a 84 yrs old female. More than 50% (52.9%) cases are of children (less than 1 year to 18 yrs old) from children homes of Delhi.
She highlighted that the rate of reinfection of Covid 19 is high, i.e 17.91% of the patients admitted into the facilities. On desegregation of reinfection numbers, 5.22% got infected in the first wave, 11.94% in the second wave and 0.74% in both the waves of the Covid 19.
Dr. Vishwajeet added that presently patients admitted in our facility show symptoms like mild fever, cough, congestion in throat, running nose, etc. However, compared to patients in the previous waves, symptoms of running nose is frequently seen in the patients of the third wave. Dr. Prashant updated that so far none of the patients admitted in the facility required Oxygen. However, If need comes, we are prepared. 85 beds are supported by the Oxygen pipelines connected to 2 PSA Oxygen plants. Further, Oxygen back ups in the form of Oxygen Concentrators and Oxygen Cylinders is available.
Walking through the corridors between hall 1 and hall 2, where Covid ward is formed, ongoing activities can be monitored. To my left and right, I could see a few children chit chatting (probably playing) through the glasses (windows and door), some undividedly watching movies displayed on the Big LCD screen in the ward, nursing staff collecting vitals of the patients and doctors on rounds, security vigilance. Everything was lively.

Announcement to discharge a patient Mr. ABC was made by the doctor from a mike placed on the counter outside the ward. Thanking Doctors and expressing satisfaction on the received treatment. The Discharged Patient met his daughter, who came to receive him.

Stalwarts of Doctors For You are constant and consistent in actions for quality health care. As aptly concluded by Dr. Raghav Dhingra, Center Incharge of CWG CCC that my team is healing patients, not just treating them. No casualty is reported from the facility. Any critical case is timely referred to the higher centers connected to CWG CCC. Recovery rate is 100%. Despite working day in and day out, away from their families, exposed to personal risk, DFY is teamed up to control the raging pandemic and save lives.