Writing is the Creation of Masterpiece
Advice from an acclaimed employee on how to write impactful reports.
By Pushplata Bhardwaj
Navigation into writing was introduced to me by Doctors For You (DFY). And inspiration to write about writing triggered me after a 30 minutes ride to an informal conversation with my Senior. I realised how my reports became vocal and a mechanism to carve out an identity for me in a new organisation, place. And helped me create a niche for me in the central office team. My writing has also become a vehicle of assertiveness, even to those who perceive me as a reserve to conversation person.

Writing indeed has the power to change lives. It's not just restricted to a domain of aspired skill sets, which helps you to better express and represent yourself or your organisation front. Writing underlies potentials to create, mend, heal and make histories. Moreover, it is a switch to reform and transform.
Writing is to start Believing
For me, tracing back, preparation for Civil Services, played a key role in getting me into writing. It was a technical response to my aspiration. Later, I got the opportunity to give words to the ideas of people into concept notes and short proposals in my previous job. They did get approvals. I also own the onus of their success

At DFY, I have been fortunate to get handholding support from seniors, who recognise the skills and know how to nurture them in budding talents. Interestingly, they are also loud in acknowledgements, which present a healthy competitive environment at workplace ensuring “Pressure is a Privilege '' or “Pressure to Uplift '' - growth trajectory for an organisation. It keeps on pushing adrenaline rush in a team
Learning is an open play field of discoveries. Believing in yourself takes you to the next level.
Writing a Report is Building a Rapport
There are many technical versions of report writing over the internet and other resources. In my opinion, good reports are conversations presented in a structured way. Usually, expected answers organised in streamlined paragraphs under headings to predicted questions based on your proposals. Shape of the report structure varies on questions you are trying to answer. It is also defined by the objective you have set to achieve through your reports.
You can adopt any writing style. There is a plethora of formats available on different sources for reference. In the basic version of the report - You present your intent, achievements, and accomplishments on key indicators for set milestones, learning and recommendations for the next level. Meaningful conclusions and insightful derivations pave the way to place undergoing interventions on the scalable paradigm.
Report writing is generating momentum to your project and accelerating energy in your team following -
- Going beyond the numbers - The numbers are sometimes lucrative. Beyond them is a more enriching to dive into the path opted to reach these numbers. It will give clarity on strategizing the scale up & replicate the project.
- Pay attention to the Proces -It defines the measures taken into account and implementation drives of the projects towards sustainability, equity & ethics.
- Organise the structure of the report in way that it represent - Objectives, Indicators, outcomes and outputs of your project clearly
- Be inclusive in sections to acknowledge the hard work of your field team - Everyone falling into the hierarchy from management to supporting staff should have a voice in the report. Recognising their good efforts not only motivates them to perform better but also a great way to instill qualities of team building, confidence and leadership in your project team.
Initially, when I started asking supporting staff to provide their learning experience with DFY for the report, they were hesitant (as if nobody asked them before for such a thing or they are not well versed in writing in english or comprehending text). I began by pitching the idea to the active staff. They started writing briefly. Couple of times, I sat with them to help them out to compose their writing and finalise it. When the report got published with their sections, the concerned staff felt proud, confident and one. They started sharing their respective sections with other people, in different groups, on whatSapp status, Facebook, etc. This activated energies in other members of the project. The direction of approach reversed and the drive of self-motivation for representation took over. - Ensure visual responses of the viewerAdd good photos of the project implementation.
- Stay in gratitudeto your partner's/supporters who trusted you for the betterment of the society.
Where Does the Writing Takes You in Self discovery
Venturing into a creative space of writing invites a complete honesty to be your true self and acknowledging the way it is. It puts you into challenging positions, brings out dilemmas, raps out illusions and tests the courage for what you stand for. It opens a window to accept what you are, what currently you are projecting yourself to be and what you want yourself to be. More you know thyself, the more accessible is the creative space of others.
Writing frees you to paint and create Masterpieces with extreme possibilities. Whole of yourself comes together to play a role in making a true self of a new creation. There is solace in writing.